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024 Napoleonic French Engineers
029 Roman Anti-Elephant Wagon (Set 1)
032 Trajan's Dacian Campaign Set 1
035 Greco-Bactrian Kingdom
041 The Nika Revolt
043 Babylonian Empires
044 Margiana
047 Seleucid Infantry Set 2
048 Seleucid Cavalry
049 Seleucid Elephants vs Ptolemaic Elephants
052 Army of Syracuse: Cavalry
053 Cimmerians
054 Lydians
055 Urartu
057 Neo-Assyrian Empire Set 2
058 Enemies of Eastern Roman Empire 6th Century
059 Prehistoric Homo Sapiens Hunting Set 2
060 Yuezhi / Tochars Nomads
062 Neo-Assyrian Empire Set 3
063 Legions of Gaius Julius Caesar (Set 1)
064 Legions of Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (Set 1)
065 Legions of Gaius Julius Caesar (Set 2)
067 Legions of Marcus Licinius Crassus (Set 1)
068 Hittites
071 WWI German Landwehr at Tannenberg (Set 1)
074 WWI German Infantry at Verdun (Set 2)
079 WWI Saxon Rifles 1914-15 (Set 3)
080 First Punic War Republican Roman Infantry (Set 1)
081 First Punic War Carthaginian Infantry (Set 1)
082 First Punic War Carthaginian Naval Infantry
083 Neo-Assyrian Empire Set 4
085 Dilman, Magan, Jiroft (Set 1)
086 Neo-Babylonian Empire (Set 1)
087 Roman Army of Maximinus Thrax (Set 2) - Cavalry
090 Hittite Empire (Set 2)
091 Mittani Empire (Set 1)
093 Wilusa (Set 1)
094 The Battle of Carrhae "First Triumvirate"
095 The Minoans (Set 2)
096 Germanic Wariors (Set 1)
097 Byzantine Cavalry (Set 1)
098 Italian Hill Tribes
099 Romes Early Period
100 Rome's Mid Period
101 Greek Gods
102 Cilician Pirates
103 Prussia of Frederick II (Set 1)
104 Prussia of Frederick II (Set 2)
105 Carthaginian Citizen Infantry
106 Carthaginian Sacred Band
107 Pyrrhic Elephants
108 Akkadian Empire
109 Elam
110 Han Dynasty "Emperor Wu of Han"
111 Xiongnu
112 Gangs/Revolt in Rome
113 Sumer
114 Manipular Legion
115 Reliefs of Dur-Scharrukin
116 Hatra
117 Roman Dromedarii
118 Polis of Athens
119 Etruscans
120 Gutii
121 Jason and the Argonauts with Talos
122 Legions of Gaius Julius Caesar (Set 3)
123 Macedonian Phalanx
124 Palmyrene Empire (Set 1)
125 Genghis Khan (Set 1)
126 Mongol Storm (Set 2)
127 Mongol Storm (Set 3)
128 Jesus
129 Napoleonic French Young Guard 'Advancing'
130 Der Hexenhammer "Malleus Maleficarum"
Mini Sets
007s Hittite King Muršili I. with Guardsman
008s Julius Caesar with General Staff
013s Hadrian's Wall
014s King Pyrrhus of Epirus
015s Vigiles Urbani "Cohortes Vigilum" Set 2
016s Neo-Assyrian Empire (Set 1) Command
017s Neo-Assyrian Empire (Set 2) Command
018s Neo-Assyrian Empire (Set 3)
019s Getae/Goten
020s Carthaginian General Staff
021s Cleopatra VII
022s Alexander the Great with General Staff
023s Sacramentum militare / decimatio

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