Let's make one thing perfectly clear right from the start. This is the way ALL artillery sets should be.
Many artillery sets provide guns with a crew of four or six, and if we are lucky a team to pull them. Here we get three guns with a total of 28 crew plus a full team. An astonishing 23 different poses depict the artillerymen engaged in every activity imaginable, from working the gun to accompanying it on the march. Amongst the many tools being used are a cartabon (for targeting), a swabrod (for cleaning the barrel) and a bucket shovel (for delivering powder). Of course the usual ramrods are present, as is the match for firing the piece, held on a forked rod. We also get a man, shovel in hand, about to remove the greased calf-hide top from a powder barrel, and another opening a barrel of water and vinegar for cooling the barrel. Yet others are reaching for or carrying ammunition, including a nice pair carrying a basket of shot between them. Several poses of men pushing and pulling the gun to sight it complete the crew. As if that were not enough, we also get crew members simply walking as if on the march, or standing watching the activity.
The cannon are very well modelled, given the limitations of the two-piece mould, and even includes the 'dolphins' (handles on the barrel), though these have the gap filled in as the mould cannot create them. The four-horse team is unusual in that Revell took the trouble to provide four different horse poses for it - a rare luxury. Assorted tools and more ammunition are also provided, and even a spare hat!
As has already been said, this is about as good as artillery sets can get. Revell have researched the subject thoroughly and spared no effort in depicting the full range of activities. Everything is completely accurate and beautifully detailed, with plenty of life and realism. Some of the men are noticeably bigger or smaller than others, but then so they are in reality. Sadly a few of the figures have some rather ugly distortions, particularly the heads and faces, with some having very thin heads. However flash is minimal and there is little excess plastic to remove, despite some tricky poses using tools.
This is certainly an impressive set, and if only those figures with distorted heads had been better done then this set would have been without fault. As it is, with anything other than a close examination this makes an impressive sight on any tabletop.