This is the third volume in the Modellwelten ('Model World') series, and in this programme we watch as Wolfgang Meyer builds a 1/72 scale house suitable for the Napoleonic era. To begin with some extant examples of the kind of building required are examined and some plans and detail drawings created. Then the construction commences, using mostly card and plasticine, and gradually the model begins to take shape. Once the construction is completed Wolfgang proceeds to paint and weather the model, adding the final details to produce an excellent finished product. Throughout the programme the camera hovers around the piece, showing everything that happens very clearly. At key moments a commentary explains what is happening, although as this is only in German those that do not speak that language will miss out on much of the information. The picture is very sharp, but the long periods of complete silence between the snippets of commentary will hardly test your sound system and they don’t help to keep the pace of the film going either. The programme lasts for approximately 55 minutes, but clearly the actual work took very much longer as there is a lot of meticulous attention to detail. While the end result is undoubtedly great, not everyone will have the time and patience to create such a work of art, and that largely goes for watching the film too. However if it is a beautiful and authentic-looking building that you want then this film is for you. The DVD also comes with a number of extras. 'Lasern' is a five minute piece where we see window frames being cut out using a computer-controlled laser, and there is also a very short film on how simple doors can be easily made. Two trailers for the first volumes in this series complete the disc. |

Region: 0 (all regions)
Format: PAL
DVD is available from several outlets including KF 1/72